What happens after booking my first appointment?

An email to confirm your appointment time as well as information relating to the clinic will be sent to you.

Is telehealth available?

Yes, Fiona Jamieson offers telehealth appointments.

What will happen when we arrive at the clinic?

The friendly reception staff will say hello then direct you to the waiting area. They may also ask you to fill in some forms while you wait.

What happens during the first appointment?

If the young person is under 18 years old, the first appointment is a parent/caregiver only appointment. This is so that background information can be provided and a shared understanding of the key concerns between the parent/caregiver and the clinical psychologist developed. 

The first appointment with the child is about getting to know them, developing a relationship so they feel comfortable and enjoy coming to the clinic, and developing an understanding of their concerns. Depending on the young persons age and what they feel most comfortable with, parents will either be in the room or wait outside. Also depending on the age of the young person, different games will be played while we all get to know each other. For example, with a 3 year old we might play bowling or talk about their strengths, whereas with an older child we might play Uno or Connect 4. During this appointment Fiona really is guided by the young person and what makes them feel comfortable.  

How long are the appointments?

Typical appointment length is 50 minutes.

What if I need to cancel or reschedule an appointment?

If you need to cancel or reschedule an appointment simply call or email us. Please do give at least 48hours notice so that we have the opportunity to book someone else into the appointment time. Unfortunately, if less than 48hours notice is given, 50% of the session cost will be incurred. If less than 24 hours notice is provided, the full cost of the session will be incurred. 

What is the difference between a psychologist, a clinical psychologist and a psychiatrist?

Psychologists must meet minimum standards of formal university qualifications and training in order to practice as a psychologist. They are also required to register with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency’s (AHPRA) Psychology Registration Board in order to legally practice as a psychologist. You can look up your psychologist here to see their registration details. 

Clinical Psychologists have advanced training in the assessment and diagnosis of mental health problems and the assessment and treatment of a wide range of psychological problems. Examples of mental health problems include anxiety disorders, ADHD, behavioural disorders (such as Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Conduct Disorder) and obsessive-compulsive disorders among many others. Some examples of psychological problems include relationship difficulties, bullying, sibling rivalry and stress.

It takes at least 8 years of training to be a clinical psychologist. A four year undergraduate degree, two year Masters or three year Doctoral degree, and a registrar program of supervised practice. For further information, click here to access the Australian Clinical Psychology Associations (ACPA) description of a Clinical Psychologist.

A psychiatrist is a medical doctor who specialises in mental illness. Psychiatrists can prescribe medication and commonly work with psychologists and clinical psychologists.

Do I need a referral to make an appointment?

No, you do not need a referral to make an appointment but this does mean that you will not be able to claim a Medicare rebate.

Can I claim the session on Medicare?

Yes, so long as you have a referral plan from a GP, Paediatrician or Psychiatrist. Medicare rebates can be claimed for up to 10 sessions per calendar year or up to 40 sessions per calendar year under an Eating Disorder Plan.

Are the sessions covered under my private health insurance?

Please contact your private health insurance to make sure that you are eligible for clinical psychology services under your private health care policy.